No Card Reader ? No problem, use our system to allow you to accept card payments.
Choose our New Way to Pay.

An example how to take a card payment from the QR Code and a customers phone.
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Looking for a card payment solution ? Get in touch !

Use the QR Code to allow customer to make an online payment. Get instant payment notification. No Card Reader required, save the fees you would have paid for a Reader. Ideal if you don`t have large number of card payments.

The example QR code takes you to our Invoice/Item Payment form.
Your customer just pays the amount, on their receipt, online as a card payment and you get instant notification of the payment.

All done without a card reader !
What you need to do:

-- setup a personal or business account on Stripe
-- setup an account with us on
-- create a new club, setup your stripe keys, company logo.
-- once enabled, create an invoice item in the Cart
-- create a QR Code allow users to make a payment, specifying the amount they have to pay
-- User can use Google Pay or Apple Pay to make instant payment
-- other card users will need to enter their card details
-- wait a few moments for Instant Payment Notification
-- customer is allowed to take their goods after payment

No card reader required
Track payments in your MyClub account
Drop us an email if you need us to setup for you, please use the Register link on home page to get started.

Also check out our tips on Email Deliverability below:

  • Tip Top Mail Deliverability